Friday, May 1, 2020 / by Leticia Almaro Nicolini
Advance and Conquer - Spring Newsletter 2020
InHouse Spring 2020
"Your Success is not limited by the economy; it’s only limited by the people you know and the amount of interest you can generate in your products and services."
Grant Cardone is a well-known business speaker and sales guru. Not too long ago I was meeting with some of my business colleagues and we were discussing how easy it has become for people to just give up. It reminded me of one of his books, “If You’re Not First, Your Last”. In his book, Grant shares the specific thought processes and actions necessary to move from where you are right now to the front of your field. Regardless of the product or service you sell. Grant draws on his experiences of getting through three recessions, emerging stronger, more capable, and more profitable after each one.
Each chapter builds on the next, encouraging the reader to follow this step-by-step approach of thinking and acting to help the reader achieve their goals.
Advance and Conquer
Right from the beginning Grant makes it clear that there are four responses (and attitudes) made by people when the economy or things take a turn for the worst in their lives. I love the fourth response, advance and conquer, because it illustrates the mindset and actions that people who dominate their field make on a consistent basis. The advance and conquer approach is about being the absolute best at what you do regardless of the external situation.
It is about going out into the marketplace and doing massive amounts of activity above and beyond what is considered normal. For example: planning your day so effectively that you’re able to double or triple your calls. Or creating a strategy that enables you to follow up each one with an email to get at least two touch points with each client per day.
One extreme way to look at the advance and conquer mindset is to ask yourself “how would I think, move, act and speak differently if I had 24 hours left to live unless I closed a sale by the end of the day?” There would probably be a much greater sense of urgency than if you thought you had 20 years left to live.
Insight #1
Own your mind and what you believe
"Change your thought process. Drop the arrogance, your old beliefs, and any limitations on what you are willing to do and get going on producing your economy."
Having the right thought process is critical for success. In sales, business and life we are governed by a certain set of rules that guide how we think and act. Often these are negative and are rules that enforce what we should not do more than what we should. For example: Am I calling this client too much? Am I justified in asking for a referral? What will the client think if I don’t negotiate on price? Thoughts like these paralyze you from acting and being successful.
Grant suggests that most of what we worry about tends not to happen, so why waste time worrying about it when that time can be spent using your mind on everything you can do to change the situation? If you are going to advance and conquer you must eliminate all the worry, doubt and fear of negative consequences that could happen if you act. This is not to say you should pretend that everything is okay when you do have reason to worry. Be encouraged to build positive thinking muscles, so you are better equipped to handle challenges.
Insight #2
Perform at your highest level always
"Make it clear to the world every day that you have things to do and people to see."
In order to get the most out of The Big Idea and Gem #1, it is necessary to be deliberate about the actions that you will take each day and focus your thoughts into doing everything you can to complete them. I have found that the most successful times in my life were when I got the most done and felt best about myself. Specifically when I actively took control of my mind by scheduling the most important actions that needed to be done that day and doing everything I could to complete them. Rather than leaving my day to chance.
Grant suggests that people don’t do things like watch TV, take long lunches or gossip, worry about what others think because they are lazy, but rather because they lack a commitment to a power schedule. When you have other places you must be and don’t have time for these things, then you just don’t do them. A good way to start is by asking yourself these questions:
- a) What time will you go to bed at night and what time you will get up?
- b) What wasteful actions am I currently involved in?
- c) How do I spend my weekends?
- d) How am I spending my time after work?
- e) Are these activities adding to my confidence and the way I feel about myself or are they holding me back?
This book shows you how to take everything you already have and direct it into profit through methods Grant has used himself and found to be successful Here are a few key insights that you need to wake up with everyday so you can be first!
- Being first to the market is not as important as being number one in your category.
- You don’t necessarily have to be the company introducing a product to be the best choice in the buyer’s mind.
- If you aren’t number one in your category or field, then you are in a precarious and dangerous situation.
- The only way to flourish during an economic downturn is to take lots of unreasonable actions in order to dominate.
- The quitters are basically scavengers who depend on “good” economies to provide enough cash to fund their lifestyles.
- Remember: People like to buy and do business with people they know and like.
- Any attention is better than no attention.
- Contacts turn into contracts, and the more contacts, the more contracts.
- Warning: Reactivating past clients must be approached from a standpoint of offering service and taking interest in the client.
- If you go out and start making things happen, something will happen.
- According to the study, 80 percent of sales to businesses are made on the fifth sales call, but only 10 percent of salespeople call beyond three times.
- Price is never the way to create a wow experience.
- The wow moment occurs when you present the product, let customers know how it can solve their problems, and figure out how it makes them feel as well as how you present, service, and deliver that experience.
- Selling on price is an indication of a weak-minded and poorly trained individual or organization.
- Money will find what people perceive as value; not the lowest price.
- You need clients more than they need you in any economy.
- Act like your life depends on every transaction, every moment of every day.
- The person who willingly swings the bat has a better chance at success than the person who refuses to swing.
- After all, there is no shortage of money on Earth; there is a shortage of planning, motivation, courage, action, and follow-through.
- Selling is to an organization what food, water, and oxygen are to the body.
- Remember the rule of no. Whenever you say no to something in life, there is usually a lack of know.
- Quit being reasonable.
- Don’t settle with just “getting by.”
- You need to wake up every day and want to be first.
- Do not rely solely on e-mail or snail mail for this venture without first getting in touch via phone or personal visit.
- Advance and conquer; don’t retreat and contract.
- Think solutions and you will find many!
- Get uncomfortable. The discomforts you experience now may well guarantee that you’ll be comfortable in the future.
Go Serve Big!!!
Leticia Almaro Nicolini
& The Almaro Team
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