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June Newsletter 2019

Saturday, June 1, 2019   /   by Leticia Almaro Nicolini

June Newsletter 2019

Congratulations Graduates!

Happy June to everyone, as we approach the middle of the year and spring turns into summer let us take the time to celebrate.  Here is to the recent graduates moving on to bigger and better futures and to everyone else for another year of learning and growing. This month we wanted to give the families and their graduates a couple of gifts, so check out the newsletter to see what is in store for you. We also wanted to acknowledge the B Walker Ranch for giving people with autism a safe place to learn and work hard, so that they can also move on to bigger and  better opportunities. B Walker Ranch works with adults with autism and provides a loving Day Program that focuses on participants abilities rather than their disabilities. Attainable challenges and realistic goal setting helps affirm who they are now and who they will become.

To learn more about how YOU can make a DIFFERENCE by simply referring anyone you know that is looking or considering buying/selling check out our newsletter. Just click on the image below and learn more about how easy it is to give back!


This year’s Windermere Community Service Day is Friday, June 7th. If you or anyone you know would like to join us please contact me for details. Thank you!

Just click on the image below and learn more about how easy it is to give back!

Thank you,