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Quarterly Newsletter April 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019   /   by Leticia Almaro Nicolini

Quarterly Newsletter April 2019

WELCOME to Spring—YAY!

In this issue we would like to share with you how to embrace continual improvement. The most powerful concept and idea that any person will ever attach to is the concept of Continual Improvement. This concept is not merely an idea but should be classified as a universal business principle that has incredible weight and power in our lives. A universal principle should be seen as a controlling factor in any outcome and the more it is known and understood; the more it can be leveraged for one’s benefit.

Consider gravity, no matter what I believe about gravity it is holding my feet to the ground right this second. If I don’t know about, or choose not to believe in gravity, it is still holding my feet firmly to the ground. There are several other principles and laws that will allow me to counteract the effects of gravity. Knowing and understanding these laws and principles will allow me to use these forces as an advantage as opposed to them becoming a hindrance or impediment in my life.

To learn more about these principles just click on the image below to view our full newsletter.

Each year The Almaro Team along with many other great agents proudly attend Windermere Community Service Day. We are committed to giving to this natural farm in which aims to provide easy and accessible growth opportunities for the developmentally disabled loved ones. Most don’t know that B Walker Ranch is non-profit. They depend on sponsorships and donations to continue its incredible work. We proudly donate a portion of our income from real estate sales to B Walker Ranch.

Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to my real estate sales team?
For anyone we help who is considering a move, not only will they benefit from our award winning service, but you can rest assured we are also donating a solid portion of our income towards a very worthy cause. You can call me direct at 925-216-7720 or pass my number on. You can also go to www.ReferralsHelpAutism.com and enter their contact info online or forward the link to whom you know is considering making a move.


This year’s Windermere Community Service Day is Friday, June 7th. If you or anyone you know would like to join us please contact me for details.

Thank you!