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Spring is Springing! March 2021 Newsletter

Monday, March 1, 2021   /   by Leticia Almaro Nicolini

Spring is Springing! March 2021 Newsletter

Who Cares if the Ground Hog got it right, Spring is still coming! I Promise

Spring is Springing! Yay! I just came inside from shooting a video outside and WOW! It’s nice out! Yes, I realize that when you get this and read it that it could be cold and rainy, but those cold days are just about over. Everyone loves Spring, primarily because it means… summer is near! For many across this great country though, it’s still COLD, grey, and snowy! One thing is for sure, this winter season is coming to an end. It does every year without fail. Just like the weather seasons come and go, so do the seasons of life. I cannot believe I’m 62! My nieces are 36 and 34 with 4 children each and I still remember when they were little and I used to take them to the park and spend afternoons at the pool during the summer. Are you with me when I say that these seasons seem to come and go faster and faster as well as the time? My husband and I were reminiscing the other night how long we’ve been married, it will be 20 years this April and it feels like it has been only half the time! Some of life’s seasons will be HOT and others will be COLD, some high and some low. The lows we want to move by quickly, the highs we want to stay in forever. But it’s the low points, those tough times, that I have learned the most from. All of the experiences through these seasons
make me who I am.

Unfortunately, there are some that will have a Spring Time they would much rather forget.

With all the beauty Springtime brings, there is also the ugly time for some. The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano was serving 178,000+ people monthly before COVID-19, now that number has grown significantly. As unemployment numbers have increased, many families are turning for help, asking for food for the first time in their lives. Rotary Club of Concord has been a great supporter of the Food Bank for many years, I am proud to be a Rotarian because together, we can make a difference in people’s lives in our community.

Your Referrals Help Continue the Life-Changing Work by Rotary Club Of Concord!

This is where you come in… If you or anyone you know is considering making a move, we would like to offer them a FREE No Obligation to Sell Consultation to discuss just how they can make their move, get what they want, and do it with the least hassle. Just like we are thankful for you and your business, I am confident your referrals will be thanking you for steering them in the right direction on getting their home sold!!!

A Real Estate Team that Gives Back

And remember… Your Referrals Help Continue the Life-Changing Work by Rotary International! Just like last year, we are on a mission to raise $10,000 for the Rotary Club of Concord! For more than 110 years, Rotary International has bridged cultures and connected continents to champion peace, fight illiteracy and poverty, saving mothers & children, providing clean water and sanitation, supporting education, growing local economies, protecting the environment, and fighting disease.

Rotary is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action to change lives locally and around the world.

With over 1.2M members and 35,000+ clubs, together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Locally, Rotary Club of Concord members pours their passion, integrity, and intelligence into completing projects that have a lasting impact. We persevere until we deliver real, lasting solutions. Our current projects to serve big include the Food Bank, the Salvation Army, “Go Fund Me” account to provide ‘Family Food Packages’ in Honduras, we focus on education, initiated and supported the development of the Diablo Valley Rotaract Club which is a community-based and we are exploring more opportunities to serve.


Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to our real estate sales team? Not only will they benefit from our award-winning real estate service, but a very worthy cause will also benefit as well. To refer anyone considering buying or selling a home contact Leticia or pass her contact info on to them! Thank you in advance for your referrals! The best number to reach me at is 925-216-7720. Over the decades of helping thousands and thousands of families sell or buy the place they call home, we have met so many wonderful, loving, caring people. We are so grateful. Thank you for reading over this month's Homeward Bound, and thank you for referring anyone you know considering buying or selling to my team. They will be in good hands and a very worthy cause will benefit as well.

Go Serve Big!!!.

Leticia Almaro Nicolini

The Almaro Team

Please make sure to read the attached story. You will see why we love supporting Rotary!

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