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Welcome June - June 2020 Newsletter

Monday, June 1, 2020   /   by Leticia Almaro Nicolini

Welcome June - June 2020 Newsletter

Welcome June!


Keeping You Safe During the Pandemic

We continue to practice safety for our clients, ourselves and anyone we come in contact with. We follow strict guidelines and these are the rules all persons must follow when entering any property:
  • Washing your hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer immediately upon entry and before touring or inspecting the property.
  • Wearing a protective face covering.
  • Practicing social distancing by keeping at least six feet between yourself and others, and not gathering in groups.
  • Avoid touching surfaces or items in the property. All persons on property for in-person showings should avoid touching knobs, faucets, toilets and toilet handles, light switches, garage door opener buttons, handles and pulls, alarm system controls, fan pulls, remotes, thermostats, switchboxes, gates and gate latches, window locks and sashes, pool coverings, counters, door and cabinet handles, sinks and other such items. If you believe it necessary to touch surfaces or items on the property, consider the risk of doing so.
  • You will exercise care to protect yourself, and assess your own risks, by considering your age, underlying health conditions, recent travel, possible exposure to COVID-19, doctor’s recommendations, and local, State and Federal recommendations. You agree and understand that it is your responsibility to evaluate the risks and protect yourself.
  • You will follow all Federal, State, and local laws and Stay Home Orders, even though such laws and orders may be changing rapidly.
Well, since you have been kind enough to be a part of our business, I wanted to take the opportunity to give YOU (and those you know) TWO very special gifts! Gift #1 is my lifetime home sale guarantee.

Your Home Sold Guaranteed or I’ll Buy It*

Yes, this is the guarantee I am most famous for. And you will know that whether it’s a super awesome real estate market or a housing recession, I have not wavered from this guarantee. The peace of mind from a guarantee like this is a fantastic gift. I can think of none better. My team and I are committed to results. In fact, Results Oriented is one of our core values. For more than 19 years people have been coming to us when they want their home sold, at their price and with the least hassle. We look forward to the next 20 years of Guaranteed Results for area homeowners.

Gift #2… Donations to B Walker Ranch.

In last month’s letter, I updated you on our goal of raising $10,000 for B Walker Ranch this calendar year. In case you missed it, we donate a portion of our income from home sales to B Walker Ranch. The ranch was created as a direct response to the epidemic amount of people with mental disorders aging out of the school systems and in need of quality programming. This day program allows these kids to set realistic goals and affirm who they are and who they will become. B Walker Ranch’s work in helping kids with mental illnesses mainly focusing on autism is second to none!

And as a not for profit day program in our area, they depend on sponsorships and donations to continue providing their leading-edge care. Since that letter, we have received 37 referrals. That is 37 families wanting to buyer or sell a home, referred to us by clients like you.

This means we have been able to contribute extra dollars toward this very worthy cause!


Keep them coming! Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to my real estate sales team? Not only will they benefit from our award-winning service and iron clad guarantees but the kids at B Walker Ranch will benefit as well. Just give me a call or pass my number on to anyone you know considering buying or selling. My number is 925.216.7720.  

If you would like to find out more about B Walker Ranch and Sponsorship Opportunities visit their website: www.BWalkerRanch.org

  Life moves fast for some and we are eager to make the Home Selling and Buying experience a smooth rewarding one. Over the last two decades of helping hundreds of families sell their home and/or buy another, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people. People like you! As we move forward this Summer, please know we are extremely thankful for you being a special part of our business.  

Go Serve Big!!!
Leticia Almaro Nicolini

P.S. Check out the story enclosed of this amazing mother who founded B Walker Ranch.  

Welcome June
