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Fall Quarterly Newsletter 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019   /   by Leticia Almaro Nicolini

Fall Quarterly Newsletter 2019

Fall Quarterly Newsletter 2019

Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with them two.

Go Serve Big:

The Lifetime Customer System.

What is it that separates some from others in athletics or education or business or the arts, or in any endeavor? It is their drive to do more than is expected or required. One of our team’s core values is Second Mile Service.  When focusing on the second mile, we can’t forget there are two miles in play here. So before I show you what’s in it for you in the second mile, lets document the first mile.

The first mile is simply what is required of us. Yes, we are here to help people buy and sell the place they call home, but there is much more going on than just a real estate transaction.  There is LIFESTYLE CHANGE being pursued.

Our Lifetime Customer System starts when we first enter into a client relationship and seek to gain an understanding of what the FIRST MILE is.  For example, the first page of our Exclusive VIP Seller Agreement, we ask the Seller these 3 questions (you may remember them):

Why are you moving?

What is most important to you in getting your home sold?

What do you feel or think has to happen for you to get what is most important to you?

These 3 questions are essentially the Home Owner/Seller laying out their vision for LIFESTYLE CHANGE.  No one is better at selling homes faster, for more money and with less hassle than we are, but it is critical that we fully understand the WHY behind the change the client is making.  This becomes the FIRST MILE – what it is we must deliver on/what is expected of us (our mandated FIRST MILE).

There can be no second mile service without going the first mile, so what does this Second Mile look like?

Exceeding clients expectations has to be built in to the very fabric of the business from the peoples mind set to the systems to the culture. Anything short would be cutting corners. There really is no Life Time Customer System without being committed to Second Mile Service. They go hand in hand.

At The Almaro Team, our Life Time Customer System (part of our second mile service) breaks down into THREE Programs.



On the last page of this this newsletter, you will see what I mean by Your Referrals Help Those Who Need Help the Most.  As part of our GO SERVE BIG mission, we donate a portion of our income from EVERY real estate sale to a very worthy cause.  We want you to be part of that. It’s likely as you read this, you have received other newsletters, emails, texts and videos about this.  So whether its Donating over $20,000 to Children’s Hospital, pushing a Toy Drive for the marines, writing a big check to B Walker Ranch so they can remodel the Ma & Pa Kettle Ranch house, or going with Rotary to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria to install water filtration units, you can rest assured that anyone you send to us wanting to make a move will benefit from our award winning service and a very worthy cause will benefit as well.



We bring to our clients opportunities and education to Create More Wealth by INVESTING IN REAL ESTATE.  I became a Multi-Millionaire NOT from my job, but by investing in real estate.  We want you and others to have the same opportunity so we built this in to our Lifetime Customer System. Inside this newsletter you will see a presentation of great deals to consider investing in. These are just a sample of the REAL ESTATE available for you to invest in.  Contrary to popular beliefs, you do not need a lot of your own money to become RICH investing in real estate, but, you do need money. We are experts in helping you learn how to use other people’s money to buy distress sales and bank foreclosures, unlocking the equity in your own home to buy 3 houses for the price of one and partnering with others for Apartment Building investments that CASH FLOW every month.




You need a resource like a Dry Cleaner, Florist, or Painter?  We have an APPROVED VENDOR DIRECTORY of 100 businesses in the area vetted and eager to help you.  As I type this, one of our approved vendors is working on my house to remodel one of our bathrooms.  The workers will come and do what they do best… install tile, flooring and counters. They have been vetted through many projects so I know they will do a great job and it will be a fair price. This is obviously just one example.  If you don’t have our Approved Vendor Directory, reach out to us and we’ll send it right over.

Approaching each day with an attitude of ‘good enough never is’ translates into a steady look at questioning the status quo, keeping us dedicated to helping the great people at this fabulous team over deliver to our most valued people… our customers.

Deliver MORE value than what is/was/will be received = over deliver = Lifetime Customers.

As you may have heard, B Walker Ranch is front and center in creating a place where adults with autism can work and learn skills.  We are thankful to have such a wonderful facility close by, doing such great work to help teach and care for young adults.

So even as we are eager to enjoy life, others are simply hoping they can be here to live it.  This is why we here at Your Home Sold Guaranteed have resolved to do what we can to help.

For homes we sell this year, we are donating a portion of our income to B Walker Ranch. Our goal is to raise another $10,000 to help them in their quest to develop a day program for adult people with Autism.

This is where you can help!

Who do you know considering making a move you could refer to my award-winning real estate sales team?

For anyone considering a move that we help, you can rest assured that not only will they get the award winning service we are known for, but that a solid portion of the income we receive from the transaction will go toward a very worthy cause.

I want to make it easy for you to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move, so you can pass along our business card to them, I have enclosed a couple here for that purpose. Of course you can always call me direct as well at 925-216-7720.

You and your referrals mean more than ever to my team and I.  As we move forward in this new season, please know we are extremely thankful for you and you being a special part of our business.

With all my appreciation,

Leticia Almaro Nicolini

& The Almaro Team