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THE LOVE DOCTOR IS IN. . . | FEBRUARY 2022 Newsletter

Tuesday, February 1, 2022   /   by Leticia Almaro Nicolini

THE LOVE DOCTOR IS IN. . . | FEBRUARY 2022 Newsletter

The Love Doctor is in...

Not that I am the Dr. of Love or anything like that… But then again, most people would probably like to believe they are. After all -Love is a many splendored thing. When my husband and I were planning our wedding back in 2001, our wedding planner suggested we reveal to all in attendance those words that convey our

LOVE for one another. My favorite Love Description is from 1 Corinthians 13: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.It doesn’t matter your ‘religious persuasion’ to say, “Yea, that IS a great description of LOVE”. I am talking LOVE because February is the month of Love, rightly celebrated with Valentine’s Day. I could go on and on, with all kinds of examples like – ‘Love Your Neighbor as Thyself’; ‘Love doing business with you’; ‘Love your referrals’….but the point is we do love helping people buy and sell real estate! And those people say we are good at it!


Like our Buyer Satisfaction Guarantee: Love the home, or we’ll buy it back! Or our Seller Guarantee: Your Home Sold or We’ll Buy It! And we guarantee that a portion of our income WILL go to a very worthy cause like B Walker Ranch

In fact, if it’s OK with you, let me focus just a bit on the REFERRAL request. Please know that my team and I are eager to help anyone you know wanting to make a move so much so that we are willing to make an offer that they will LOVE.


As a result of working with over 5,000 families during my 20+ year career and through three documented recessions, we have developed a special  market-proof program to quickly get an acceptable “cash” offer on any home at market value. So, we are giving homeowners wanting to make a  move a very special gift this Valentine’s Day.

OUR GUARANTEE to you, your friends and family—

For the month of February, anyone considering making a move that you refer to me, I will guarantee to them in writing their home will sell or we’ll buy it at a price acceptable to them. We just need to agree on the price and possession date with the seller. This is where you can help! 

If you or anyone you know is considering making a move, we would like to offer them a FREE No Obligation Market Analysis that will give them a real idea of what they can expect to sell their home for. Just like we are thankful for you and your business, I am confident your referrals will be thanking you for steering them in the right direction on getting their home sold!!!

A Real Estate Team that Gives Back

And remember… Your Referrals Help Continue the Life Changing Work by B Walker Ranch! Most don’t know, however, that B Walker Ranch is a non-profit.They depend on sponsorships and donations to deliver their world class assistance to our neighbors in need! This year, my team and I are on a mission to raise $10,000 for B Walker Ranch, a day program for adults with autism. We do this by donating to them a portion of our income from homes we sell..

And remember… Your Referrals Help Continue the Life Changing Work by B Walker Ranch! Most don’t know, however, that B Walker Ranch is a non-profit.They depend on sponsorships and donations to deliver their world class assistance to our neighbors in need! This year, my team and I are on a mission to raise $10,000 for B Walker Ranch, a day program for adults with autism. We do this by donating to them a portion of our income from homes we sell..


As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, B Walker Ranch survives on Sponsorships and Donations to change and support an  idea who’s time has come. We proudly donate a portion of our income from real estate sales to B Walker Ranch to help them continue building this program and increase their awareness.

B Walker Ranch is on target to becoming a flagship property and model program that can be duplicated in communities everywhere.

BWR, a 10.63-acre parcel, is developing a variety of programs for adults with autism designed to foster self-advocacy by recognizing their individual needs and harvesting a sense of purpose within a farm environment. For most young people graduating from highschool at 18, they have an opportunity to go onto the next chapter of their lives. However, there are few “next steps” for young adults with  autism. We have an epidemic in this country as 1.5 million young people turning 22, ‘age out’ of their existing program with little or nowhere to go. It’s a critical issue.

Life moves fast and we are eager to make the Home Selling and Buying experience a smooth and rewarding one. Who do you know considering buying or selling a home that you could refer to our real estate salesteam? Not only will they benefit from our award-winning real estate service, but a very worthy cause will too. It is very easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members who are considering making a move.

Thank you in advance for your referrals! The best number to reach me: 925-216-7720

In over 2 decades of helping thousands of families sell and buy the place they call home, we have met so many wonderful, loving, caring people. We are so grateful. Thank you for reading this month’s Homeward Bound and for the many referrals over the years. Rest assured when you refer family and friends to us, they are in good hands, we treat them like our own.

Go Serve Big!!!
Leticia Almaro Nicolini
& The Almaro Team

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  newsletter, leticia almaro nicolini, realtor story, real estate, referral, worthy cause, b walker ranch