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B Walker Ranch | Real Estate Blog & Newsletters Blog

Thursday, December 1, 2022   /   by Emman Cristobal


You know the song, the one that begins “It’s the most wonderful time of the year”? Well, there is something to that. Our current year is coming to a close and as Christmas and other faith-driven holidays approach, we’re given a very special time to give thanks, be joyful, pray for peace and feel hopeful.
If you look around, you’ll notice this Spirit of Giving exceeds any other time of the year. But why can’t it be this way everyday, every year? I think it can. It just takes intention and a little effort. Here’s what we’re doing and how you can help. As we look forward to the holidays with anticipation, some homeowners are less than enthusiastic because they feel trapped. They desperately need to exit their current place and give themselves a big Christmas Gift - a NEW place to call home.

  newsletter, leticia almaro nicolini, realtor story, real estate, referral, worthy cause, b walker ranch

Thursday, October 6, 2022   /   by Emman Cristobal

Fall Newsletter 2022

InHouse Fall - 2022
Go Serve Big: The Lifetime Customer System.
What is it that separates us from others, whether in athletics or education, in business or the arts, or any other endeavor for that matter?
Is it one’s drive to do more than what is expected or required? One of our team’s core values is Second Mile Service. When focusing on the second mile, we can’t forget there are two miles in play here.
So, before I show you what’s in it for you, in the second mile, let’s document the first mile.
The first mile is simply what is required of us. Yes, we are here to help people buy and sell the place they call home, but there is much more going on than just a real estate transaction. There is A LIFESTYLE CHANGE being pursued..
Our Lifetime Customer System starts the minute we enter into a client relationship and seek to understand what the FIRST MILE is. For example, within the first page of our Exclusive VIP Seller Agreement, we ask the Seller 3 que ...

  newsletter, leticia almaro nicolini, realtor story, real estate, referral, worthy cause, b walker ranch

Thursday, June 2, 2022   /   by Emman Cristobal

Happy Fathers Day | June 2022 Newsletter

Happy Fathers Day

You guessed it! June 19th is Father’s Day. Like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day is a time to show our appreciation for our parents’ hard work and dedication to providing the best home life possible for their families. Since you have been kind enough to be a part of our business, I wanted to take the opportunity to give YOU something for Father’s Day. I’m not talking about another tie, or BBQ tool kit. I have TWO much more valuable gifts! Yes, TWO gifts. 
Gift #1 is my lifetime home sale guarantee
Your Home Sold, Guaranteed, at Your Price or I’ll Buy It* 
Yes, this is the guarantee I am most famous for. Rest assured that whether it’s a dynamic seller’s market or a housing recession, I will never waiver from this guarantee. The peace of mind from a guarantee like this is a gift I am happy to give. I can think of none better.My team and I are committed to results. In fact, being results-oriented is one of; ...

  newsletter, leticia almaro nicolini, realtor story, real estate, referral, worthy cause, b walker ranch

Thursday, June 2, 2022   /   by Emman Cristobal

6 Mistakes to Avoid, When moving up to your next home | Summer Newsletter 2022

InHouse Summer - 2022

Unlike the experience of buying a first home, when you’re looking to move-up, and already own a home, there are certain factors that can complicate the situation. It’s very important for you to consider these issues before you list your home for sale. Not only is there the issue of financing to consider, but you also have to sell your present home at exactly the right time in order to avoid either the financial burden of owning two homes or, just as bad, the dilemma of having no place to live during the gap between closings.  In this summer edition of InHouse, I outline the six most common mistakes homeowners make when moving to a larger home. Knowledge of these six mistakes, and the strategies to overcome them, will help you make informed choices before you put your existing home on the market. *Feel free to share these SIX mistakes with anyone you know considering moving up to a  bigger home this summer.
1. Rose-colored glasses
; ...

  newsletter, leticia almaro nicolini, realtor story, real estate, referral, worthy cause, b walker ranch, the rotary club

Tuesday, March 29, 2022   /   by Emman Cristobal

GIVE ME 30 Seconds AND WE'LL CHANGE a Kid's Life Together... | APRIL 2022 Newsletter

GIVE ME 30 Seconds AND WE'LL CHANGE a Kid's Life Together...
Welcome, April! By the time you read this, we will be well into the month and I won’t be able to play any April Fool jokes on you! No matter, I’ve never been much of a fan of those anyway! Once as a teenager, my favorite radio station KHJ in Los Angeles (sister station to KFRC in the San Francisco Bay Area) announced they were going to change their format and start playing elevator music for half the day... So they did….and then announced, “April Fools!” Another BIG deal in April is TAX day! Yep, the pesky deadline for filing income tax returns. I personally don’t think most people mind paying taxes as long as they feel they’re being put to good use and not wasted. Both April 1 and April 15 are conversation starters, to be sure, one full of funny stories, the other maybe not so much, but there are a few days more memorable than the day you buy your dream home. That day is supposed; ...

  newsletter, leticia almaro nicolini, real estate, referral, worthy cause, b walker ranch, realtor